Learning is fascinating!
One of the things I like the most is to learn new things, and I am always looking for new things to learn.
A question came to mind. I asked myself:
“What is the most important thing to learn?”
I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I have found the answer.
The answer is:
Universal Knowledge
It is the knowledge that is true for all people, at all times, in all places.
We are born with a brain that is ready to learn, but we don’t know anything.
Though our experiences are unique, they’re still formed from universal principles and truths.
Yet, the way we perceive and process the information alters its form and application.
This individualistic view of knowledge centers the universe within our consciousness.
Reality is partly an internal construct.
Over a lifetime, we build a mental model of the world, and we use it to make sense of the world.
This mental model is the foundation of our understanding of the world.
It becomes our personality, our identity, and our worldview.
Universal Knowledge is our insights regardless of culture, religion, or geographical location.
It is the foundation of all knowledge.
We get knowledge through our senses, and we process it through our minds.
Our medium of thought and expression is the language.
Language shapes our natural inclinations.
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Persuasion
- Game Theory
- Microeconomics
- Computers
- Art and Music
These are the languages of different kinds.
They apply to all people, at all times, in all places.
They are the foundation of all knowledge.
Once you have covered the basics, you can build upon them to learn more advanced topics.
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
- Cryptography and Cybersecurity
- Linguistics and Semantics
- Bioinformatics and Genomics
- Quantum Computing and Quantum Mechanics
These are the subjects that build up the foundation of Universal Knowledge.
The more you learn, the more you realize how much you don’t know.
Knowledge is like the vivid spectrum of colors we see.
Human understanding is a panorama.
From the vibrant hues of perception to the subtle tints of universal wisdom.
Every shade contributes to our collective intellectual canvas.